Managing WordPress

Managing WordPress

Managing WordPress is an ongoing process. Although WordPress sites are easy to use and rarely break down by themselves, they are anything but maintenance free. Over time new security issues or bugs get discovered, some plugins start acting wonky and even the database...
Speed Up Your WordPress Site

Speed Up Your WordPress Site

With the dramatic increase in mobile (and since Google uses site speed in for page rank), it’s important to speed up your WordPress site. In fact 40 percent of people abandon a site that takes more than 3 seconds to load. In 2006 Amazon reported an increase of...
Block Referer Spam In Google Analytics

Block Referer Spam In Google Analytics

You can block referer spam In Google Analytics. Although blocking them in google analytics will not keep them off your site, you need to block them in your htaccess file or with plugins to do that, but it will clean up your analytics. In fact the only way to stop...
Block Spam Referers with Plugins

Block Spam Referers with Plugins

If you are not comfortable coding or configuring your htaccess file, you can block spam referers with plugins. If you are comfortable working in your htaccess file we wrote about how to do that here. These plugins will crawler spam referers, not ghost spam referers....
Block Spam Referers in htaccess

Block Spam Referers in htaccess

Block spam referers in htaccess files is the best place to keep these unwanted visits to your website. Referrer Spam mostly attacks Google Analytics by hitting random tracking-ID’s. If you want to get the best out of this powerful tool and have reliable statistics is...
Securing WordPress

Securing WordPress

Securing WordPress has never been more important than ever. Almost Everybody thinks that they are free from attach and not vulnerable. Websites, regardless of size, are attacked all the time. WordPress core is completely secure. Your WordPress site may not be....