WordPress Maintenance Questions and Answers

Here are some of the most common WordPress Maintenance questions we get – and answers. If you don’t see an answer to your question just use our contact page – we’ll get back to you shortly.

Do your plans include hosting?

Yes. All of our plans include hosting. The hosts we use are designed for WordPress, we’ve used for years and have great relations. If you already a host that works great for you, you can still host there – we can work with most providers. If you have a high traffic site (20K+ visitors/mo) there may be additional charges.

Do you discount if we don't use your hosting services?

No. We include hosting as part of all of our plans as part of our services, you are not obligated to take advantage of it. Our relationships with our host makes it so in most cases we can resolve any issues with your site quicker – It’s a great benefit to you and us.

Do you do regularly monitor my site?

Yes! We monitor your site 24/7. Look at the different plans to see what types of monitoring included. Most of the time we know something on your site needs attention before you do and have the problem fixed before it becomes and issue.

Can I sign up if I don’t have a WordPress site?

Unfortunately not. We only provide service to WordPress-based sites.

What types of payment do you accept?

We use Paypal to process all types of payments. Paypal gives you the option to use most types of payment, credit card, debit card, or direct withdrawal from your bank account. After signup a  charge or withdrawal based on your payment type and time duration chosen happens automatically.

Can I change my plan after signup?

Of course. You can upgrade or downgrade at anytime by contacting us and we’ll take care of it promptly.

What's your refund policy?

We offer a 100% fully guaranteed refund during the first 30 days of service. Past 30 days refunds are prorated for the remaining time left in the time duration you signed up for.

What if an update breaks my site?

We fix it. We check for compatibility before performing any updates to your site to make sure that everything goes smoothly. In those rare times that something unexpected happens we quickly repair the issue and get your site running as it should.

Do you offer discounts to manage more than one site?

Yes. We definitely give bulk discounts. Contact us for more information.

Can you migrate my site for me?

Yes! On all of our plans if you are migrating to our hosting service we’ll help you migrate your site. In most cases we can take care of the entire migration for you.

What if I have just a couple of WordPress Questions?

We’re here to help whether you are an existing client or not! We’d love to answer any WordPress Questions you have. If you want us to do some work on your site we’ll charge based on whether or not you are a current client and your plan type.

Will I have a staging area for testing site changes?

Yes – on our enterprise plan. We use this staging site depending on the updates or development we are doing on your site. You’ll have complete access to it to just in case there is something else you or an outside developer needs to test before taking it live.

What if I only need occasional support?

Many people like to manage their own WordPress site and only need occasional help. If you just need help migrating, adding or configuring a plugin, fixing a broken site we’re here to help you with that. We offer an extensive number of services from site development to marketing support. Just contact us with what you need and we’ll work with you get done what you need.

What are your hourly rates?

All current clients receive a discounted hourly rate of $85/hr for web development or marketing services. Our business and enterprise plans have some time built in for these services.

So you have a reseller or affiliate program?

Not at this time. That being said, most developers we know want to do development work – not maintenance. We do love referrals and work as an extension of many developers services. This works great all the way around. We keep that awesome site up and running great, the developers keep their relationships with partners & clients. Sort of the best of 2 worlds.